St. Frances Cabrini

Allen Park, MI

St. Frances Cabrini is a cornerstone Catholic parish within its area. Providing both an elementary and high school, the parish offers a full range of ministries, outreach and faith formation opportunities in its community.

Shepherd 360º enables St. Frances Cabrini to expand engagement with its parishioners with the addition of digital outreach and analysis. St. Frances Cabrini introduced the Contact-Us module to allow visitors to initiate requests for follow-up discussions. The communications module is used to digitally communicate with 1,500 parishioners weekly. St. Frances Cabrini was also able to improve its digital reach through the Online Census Update module that allows parishioners to securely update their own contact profile. These efforts were previously done through the postal system or back of church form updates.

The results (since November, 2020):

  • 40 contact us / engagement requests submitted, followed up on and closed.

  • Average of 1500 open clicks on the email updates sent weekly during Lent

  • Email driving an additional 100+ clicks to the Cabrini Parish website weekly

  • Increased parishioner records accuracy, updates and communication preferences - from 30% to 100% data accuracy

  • Increased overall awareness of how digital outreach can enhance the ease and effectiveness of evangelization

  • Small Group Ministry now running

  • Implemented 360 Calendar and published on Cabrini website